Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hewlett-Packard 30,000 Employees Job Cuts

H-P CEO Meg Whitman

Hewlett-Packard revenue and profits are declining and directly effecting on the work force. They are planning to cut +0.14% of their work force which will be 25,000 to 30,000 employees. Quiet big. So a lots of worker at the Hewlett-Packard going to lose their job. Sad news for them.

But all these job cut is only the speculation not yet finalize. But the guess is when the company reports quarterly results next week, job cut will be finalize. Anyway there will be the big numbers for job cut at the Hewlett-Packard. The workers are in fear, they may lose their job. When the company decided for their job cut, it will also increase the unemployment percentage though it will be minor increment.

The Chief executive Meg Whitman already gives the hint about job cuts on March 2012 but didn't provide exact number about how many. Similarly, at that time she said that company need to improve financial performance and some of the savings would be used to fund new research and development.

When the H-P spokesman is asked for the slash work force, he declined to comment on Thursday.

So everybody has to wait for the Hewlett-Packard quarterly report and the fact will be revealed about the job cut. It seems job cut is sure and we hope for small numbers.

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